Fitbits and other wearables may not accurately track heart rates in people of color

An estimated 40 million people in the United States have smartwatches or fitness trackers that can monitor their heartbeats. But some people of color may be at risk of getting inaccurate readings.

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8 ways smartphones are being used as medical devices

Smartphones are quickly gaining the capabilities to make patients’ homes an extension of physicians’ offices, facilitating access to timely medical care. Technological advancements in the phones are enabling them to take higher-resolution photos and deliver better sound quality, suggests Christy Marks-Davis, senior director of marketing for CareCentrix, a company that works with providers and payers to support care of patients in their homes.

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Fitbit, Apple Watch could bring new era of health monitoring

Mike Glenn thought something was wrong with his Fitbit. The 34-year-old was camping in Wyoming in May when he started having trouble breathing. He felt fine overall, but his left shoulder began to ache and he broke out in a sweat. "It's probably just a chest cold," Glenn thought.

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Alphabet's Verily Halts Diabetes-Detecting Contact Lens Project

Alphabet Inc.’s experimental medical technology unit Verily halted one of its longest-running projects on Friday: the development of a contact lens that measures glucose levels of people with diabetes.

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Army enrolling volunteer units to test in-development automated triage tech

The US Army’s medical division has been building a mobile technology platform that will streamline triage and communications in the event of medical evacuations. The Medical Hands-free Unified Broadcast, or MEDHUB, initiative looks to leverage wearable sensors, accelerometers, and other FDA-cleared technology as a means for medics to more easily communicate with teams at a receiving field hospital during an emergency situation.

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Apple finally moves beyond the shadow of Steve Jobs with a truly life-changing product

Some industry watchers believed that Apple couldn't move out of the shadow of Steve Jobs and carve out for itself a new and different direction. Yesterday, under the leadership of Tim Cook, Apple proved them wrong.

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Group warns against using consumer devices to diagnose, treat sleep disorders

Consumer sleep technologies, such as wearables and mobile apps, must be cleared by the Food and Drug Administration and rigorously tested if they are going to be used to diagnose or treat sleep disorders, contends the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

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