9th Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology - April 9-11, 2018

Identifying Barriers to Usability: Smart Speaker Testing by Military Veterans with Mild Brain Injury and PTSD

Wallace T., Morris J. (2018) Identifying Barriers to Usability: Smart Speaker Testing by Military Veterans with Mild Brain Injury and PTSD. 9thCambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology, Cambridge, UK, April 9-11, 2018.

Think Big: Brain Injury in Georgia: Health and Wellness after Brain Injury - 2018

Using Technology to Support Cognition after Brain Injury

Wallace, T. (2018). Using Technology to Support Cognition after Brain Injury. Presented at Think Big: Brain Injury in Georgia: Health and Wellness after Brain Injury. Conference presented by Shepherd Center and the Brain Injury Association of Georgia. Atlanta, GA.

mHealth@Duke Conference - April 2017

Alexa Stress Assist: A System to Reduce the Incidence and Severity of Post-Traumatic Stress Episodes in Military Service Members

Davis, L., Caves, K. "Alexa Stress Assist: A System to Reduce the Incidence and Severity of Post-Traumatic Stress Episodes in Military Service Members". Presented at the mHealth@Duke Conference, Duke University, Durham, NC. April 2017.

2016 ACRM Conference - November 3, 2016

Novel Applications of Technology for Brain Injury Rehabilitation of Military Service Members

As part of the annual conference at the American Congress of Rehabilitative Medicine's (ACRM) Special Technology Session, Dr. John Morris and Tracey Wallace gave a presentation about the advances being made with their wearable apps, BreatheWell for Google Glass and BreatheWell Wear.  Both apps are wireless wearable stress management apps for people with traumatic brain injury.

2016 RESNA Conference - July 13, 2016

“App Factory” Model of Rehab Engineering; An Interactive Workshop on Developing Funding Proposals for Assistive and Accessible Mobile Apps

On July 13, 2016 LiveWell researchers Mike Jones, John Morris, Frank Deruyter and Kevin Caves presented an interactive workshop on the Wireless RERC and LiveWell RERC's App Factory development projects. Attendees learned about the App Factory model, applications released to-date, app development currently underway, and they participated in a small group exercise to come up with app ideas based on user needs case studies.


Annual NIDILRR Project Directors Meeting - July 11, 2016

Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Access –  The LiveWell RERC

On July 11, 2016 at RESNA's annual NIDILRR project director's meeting, Live Well RERC directors Frank Deruyter and Mike Jones gave an overview of the LiveWell RERC's research, development and training projects.