SwapMyMood iOS App Releases on the Apple App Store

The LiveWell RERC is pleased to announce another App Factory app release, this time for SwapMyMood. SwapMyMood can be downloaded for iOS at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/swapmymood/id1457858738?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D2.

SwapMyMood is a mobile app developed for the iOS operating system. It is designed to assist people with brain injury to engage in problem solving and emotion regulation. SwapMyMood is an electronic mobile version of evidence-based tools that were previously only available in paper format.

The app guides the user through the multiple steps involved in a problem-solving and emotion regulation intervention. Links to supportive resources and tips are integrated throughout, and effective, personalized interventions can be saved for reference in future situations.

Visit the SwapMyMood project page to learn more and to view a tutorial video: http://www.livewellrerc.org/swapmymood