Need financial support to develop assistive and/or accessibility apps on mobile platforms?

The LiveWell RERC has just released its annual App Factory call for proposals.  Each year, the LiveWell RERC’s App Factory invites experienced organizations or individual developers based in the U.S. and Canada to submit proposals for financial support to develop assistive and/or accessibility apps for mobile platforms (e.g., Android, Blackberry, iOS, Windows), sensors, home automation, wearables, the Internet of Things (IoT) and/or cloud computing.

Through a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Community Living, Health and Function (LiveWellRERC) seeks to enhance the use and usability of wireless technologies for people of all ages and abilities. The LiveWell RERC's mission is to promote ICT access to existing and emerging technologies for all people regardless of ability; and to develop and validate ICT applications to improve the capacity for independent living and community participation. Included in this effort is the RERC’s mobile applications development project, the “App Factory”.

Proposals for 2016-17 are due on September, 15 2016. More information on the RFP can be found at the link:

If you have any questions about the App Factory, please feel free to contact Ben Lippincott at, or John Morris at