New App Factory RFP!

The LiveWell RERC's 2020/21 App Factory RFP has been announced.

Each year we help fund at least 3 qualified software and hardware developers to build their assistive and accessibility apps. We are especially interested in funding apps that improve health and function, what are commonly referred to as mobile health (mHealth) and mobile rehabilitation (mRehab) apps. This year’s funding range for individual projects is between $10,000 and $120,000.

Interested developers should review and download the App Factory RFP Submission Guidelines for 2020/21.

2020-2021 Timeline

July 2020                       Release of Call for Proposals

August 21, 2020 Submission of proposals due

October 15, 2020          Selection of proposals to be funded

June 30, 2021                Completion of user testing; any usability issues identified and resolved

September 15, 2021     Delivery/publication of final app